MondoKit GCP Datastore
Use Google Cloud Datastore (or Firestore in Datastore Mode) as your app db including DataLoader.
libs all require ESM. If your project still uses CommonJS, then you can continue using our previous incarnation, gae-js, until you can make the upgrade.
Find the source code at gcp-datastore on GitHub.
npm install @mondokit/gcp-datastore
Initialise Datastore to be accessed elsewhere in your app.
// On app startup
// Anywhere else in your app
const datastore = datastoreProvider.get();
const key = datastore.key(["MyItem", "id123"]);
const [doc] = await datastore.get(key);
Dataloader implementation to help batch and cache db requests. Used internally by DatastoreRepository
// Apply middleware to create a new dataloader on each request
Access your collections through typed repositories.
Step 1: Define your entity
// Define your class schema
const demoItemSchema = t.type({
id: t.string,
name: t.string,
// Define your class type
type DemoItem = t.TypeOf<typeof demoItemSchema>;
// Initialise repository for the collection we want to access data in
const repositoryDirect = new DatastoreRepository<DemoItem>("demo-items", {validator: demoItemSchema });
// OR define a custom class first
class DemoItemRepository extends DatastoreRepository<DemoItem> {
constructor() {
super("demo-items", { validator: demoItemSchema });
const repository = new DemoItemsRepository();
// Save an item
await{ id: "id123", name: "test item" });
// Get an item
const item = await repository.get("id123");
// Query items
const list = await demoItemsRepository.query();
// Reindex (re-save) all items in batches (200 by default)
const totalCount1 = await repository.reindexInBatches();
const totalCount2 = await repository.reindexInBatches({ batchSize: 1000 });
// Reindex (re-save) all items in batches with "quiet" mode (no logs written)
const totalCount3 = await repository.reindexInBatches({ quiet: true });
// Reindex (re-save) all items in batches, with a transformation per item
const totalCount4 = await repository.reindexInBatches({ transform: ({id, name}) => ({ id, name: `UPDATED ${name}` })});
// Reindex (re-save) all items at once (WARNING: Small datasets only)
const items1 = await repository.reindex();
// Reindex (re-save) all items at once (WARNING: Small datasets only), with a transformation per item (WARNING: Small datasets only)
const items2 = await repository.reindex(({id, name}) => ({ id, name: `UPDATED ${name}` }));